Publications Using HPC

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SlNo Title Author's Name Yearsort ascending Cluster used
121 Osillation Sensitivity with Upward-going Muons in ICAL at India-based Neutrino Observatory (INO) Kanishka Rawat, Vipin Bhatnagar and D. Indumathi 2015 General Compute Facilities
122 Many-body microhydrodynamics of colloidal particles with active boundary layers Rajesh Singh, S. Ghose and R. Adhikari 2015 Annapurna Satpura
123 Ion hydration and associated defects in hydrogen bond network of water: Observation of reorientationally slow water molecules beyond first hydration shell in aqueous solutions of MgCl2 Upayan Baul and Satyavani Vemparala 2015 Annapurna
124 Ion hydration and associated defects in hydrogen bond network of water: Observation of reorientationally slow water molecules beyond first hydration shell in aqueous solutions of MgCl2 Upayan Baul, Satyavani Vemparala 2014 Annapurna
125 High-Activity Expansion for the Columnar Phase of the Hard Rectangle Gas Trisha Nath, Joyjit Kundu, R. Rajesh 2014 Annapurna
126 Asymptotic Behavior of the Isotropic-Nematic and Nematic-Columnar Phase Boundaries for the System of Hard Rectangles on a Square lattice Joyjit Kundu, R. Rajesh 2014 Annapurna
127 Inhomogeneous Cooling of the Rough Granular Gas in Two Dimensions Sudhir N. Pathak, Dibyendu Das, R. Rajesh 2014 Annapurna
128 Multiple Phase Transitions in Extended Hard Core Lattice Gas Models in Two Dimensions Trisha Nath, R. Rajesh 2014 Annapurna
129 Phase transitions in a system of hard rectangles on the square lattice Joyjit Kundu, R. Rajesh 2014 Annapurna
130 Interaction of multiple biomimetic antimicrobial polymers with model bacterial membranes Upayan Baul, Kenichi Kuroda and Satyavani Vemparala 2014 Annapurna


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