1. How to log into HPC machines?
  2. What is nandadevi's technical specification
  3. What is annapurna's technical specification
  4. What is the job scheduler used in nandadevi cluster
  5. How to get a cluster account
  6. Waht is the cluster usage policy



1. How to log into HPC machines?

Use ssh to login to the one of the cluster as follows ssh username@clustename 

For ex: ssh user@nandadevi

1. What is nandadevi's technical specification

The Nandadevi cluster's full technical specification is discribed in this link

1. What is annapurna's technical specification

The Annapurna cluster's full technical specification is discribed in this link

2. What is the job scheduler used in nandadevi cluster

Tourqe job scheduler is used. Read the link to know more about the job scheduler used at nandadevi

3. How to get account in this cluster

Write an email to computer committee chairman "cchair AT imsc DOT res DOT in" with detail about the code and library requirements.

4. Waht is the cluster usage policy

Read the page thourghly to know the cluster usage polity.


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