Publications Using HPC

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SlNo Title Author's Name Yearsort ascending Cluster used
101 Using skewness and the rst-digit phenomenon to identify dynami al transitions in ar- dia models Pavithraa Seenivasan, Soumya Easwaran, Seshan Sridhar and Sitabhra Sinha 2016 Satpura
102 Traction relations for active colloids and their application Rajesh Singh, R. Adhikari 2016 Nandadevi Annapurna
103 Os illation Studies with Upward-Going Muons Using INO-ICAL R. Kanishka, Vipin Bhatnagar and D. Indumathi 2016 General Compute Facilities
104 Aggregation dynamics of rigid polyelectrolytes Anvy Moly Tom, R. Rajesh and Satyavani Vemparala 2016 Nandadevi Annapurna
105 Mechanism of Chain Collapse of Strongly Charged Polyelectrolytes Anvy Moly Tom, Satyavani Vemparala, R. Rajesh, and Nikolai V. Brilliantov 2016 Nandadevi Annapurna Satpura
106 Regimes of strong electrostatic collapse of a highly charged polyelectrolyte in a poor solvent Anvy Moly Tom, Satyavani Vemparala, R Rajesh, Nikolai Brilliantov 2016 Nandadevi Annapurna Satpura
107 Universal hydrodynamic mechanisms for crystallization in active colloidal suspensions Rajesh Singh and R. Adhikari 2016 Nandadevi Annapurna
108 Stability of columnar order in assemblies of hard rectangles or squares Trisha Nath, Deepak Dhar, R Rajesh 2016 General Compute Facilities
109 The High Density Phase of the $ k $-NN Hard Core Lattice Gas Model Trisha Nath, R Rajesh 2016 General Compute Facilities
110 Dynamical restoration of ZN symmetry in SU(N) + Higgs theories Minati Biswal, SanatanDigal, and P.S.Saumia 2016 Annapurna


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