kamet Job Scheduler (Slurm)

Partition [Queue] Names

  • kshort [ 12hrs ], [ Minimum Allowd Cores: 16 ], [ Max Allowed Cores:192 ]
  • kmedium [ 2days ] [ Minimum Allowd Cores: 16 ], [ Max Allowed Cores:768 ]
  • klong [ 7days ], [ Minimum Allowd Cores: 16 ], [ Max Allowed Cores:192 ]

Slurm Job Script File

#SBATCH -J <JobName>
#SBATCH -o Out_%j.txt
#SBATCH -e Err_%j.txt
#SBATCH -p <queue>
#SBATCH --mail-user=<user>@imsc.res.in
## Memory requirement per cpu (in MB), leave blank if default memory per cpu is sufficient for your run. Total memory per ## node can be specified by --mem=. Use responsibly, excess memory usage will be monitored and penalized.
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=<Memory>
## Specify the number of processors needed, not node
#SBATCH -n <N>
## For hybrid jobs only, specify the number of openmp processes needed per mpi processes
#SBATCH -c <p>
## Specify the time in DD-HH:MM:SS format, example, for a 2 day run, specify <time> as 2-00:00:00
#SBATCH -t <time>
#SBATCH --export=all
#SBATCH --mail-user=<username>@imsc.res.in
#SBATCH --mail-type=ALL
#SBATCH -D <directory>
module purge
module try-load <module1>
module try-load <module2>
mpirun -np <n> <directory>/<executable>
## <n> is the number of mpi processes, N = <n> x <p>

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