Publications Using HPC

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SlNo Title Author's Name Yearsort ascending Cluster used
41 Parton wave function for the fractional quantum Hall effect at ν=6/17 Ajit C. Balram and A. Wójs 2021 Nandadevi
42 Elastoplastic Approach Based on Microscopic Insights for the Steady State and Transient Dynamics of Sheared Disordered Solids Chen Liu, Suman Dutta, Pinaki Chaudhuri, and Kirsten Martens
2021 Nandadevi
43 Influence of thermalisation protocol on Poiseuille flow of confined soft glass Vinay Vaibhav and Pinaki Chaudhuri 2021 Nandadevi
44 Towards designing globular antimicrobial peptide mimics: role of polar functional groups in biomimetic ternary antimicrobial polymers Garima Rani, Kenichi Kuroda, Satyavani Vemparala 2021 Nandadevi Annapurna
45 The Function of Peptide-Mimetic Anionic Groups and Salt Bridges in the Antimicrobial Activity and Conformation of Cationic Amphiphilic Copolymers Rajani Bhat, Leanna Foster, Garima Rani,Satyavani Vemparala, Kenichi Kuroda 2021 Nandadevi
46 Effect of Cholesterol on Membrane Partitioning Dynamics of Hepatitis A Virus-2B peptide Samapan Sikdar, Manidipa Banerjee, Satyavani Vemparala 2021 Nandadevi
47 Kinetics of charged polymer collapse in poor solvents Susmita Ghosh, Satyavani Vemparala 2021 Nandadevi
48 Hard core lattice gas with third next-nearest neighbor exclusion on triangular lattice: one or two phase transitions? A. A. A. Jaleel, D. Mandal and R. Rajesh 2021 Nandadevi
49 Rejection free cluster Wang Landau algorithm for hard core lattice gases A. A. A. Jaleel, J. E. Thomas, D. Mandal, Sumedha and R. Rajesh 2021 Nandadevi
50 Shock propagation in the hard sphere gas in two dimensions: comparison between simulations and hydrodynamics J. P. Joy and R. Rajesh, 2021 Nandadevi


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