Sample PBS job file
#PBS -l nodes=1:ncpus=8
#PBS -N testrun
#PBS -q workq
#PBS -m abe
#PBS -j oe
######Create the machinefile according the nodes allocated###############
nodes=`cat $PBS_NODEFILE`
for n in $nodes; do
echo -e ",$n 8\c" >> tmp.nodes
cat tmp.nodes |cut -c2- > PBS_NODEFILE_$PBS_JOBID
rm -rf tmp.nodes
#############Your application command line#########################
mpirun -v -f $NODEFILE </your/executable> >& output
Job Submission
Create a pbs script using the above sample with suitable modification. Submit the job using the following command
Once the queue is accepted by torque it will return a JOBID and that can be used for finding status of the job OR deleting the job
Job Status
The following command will display the status of the job.
qstat -a -n -1 [job id]It will display the status of all the jobs. The output will have Job ID, Username, Queue, Jobname SessID, NDS, TSK, S, Elap Time.
Single letter under the column 'S' will give you about the state of the job in queue. Details of each letter is given below
Q - job is queued, eligible to run or routed.
R - job is running.
E - Job is exiting after having run.
H - Job is held.
T - job is being moved to new location.
W - job is waiting for its execution time
Job Deletion
The following command will delete a job from the queue
qdel <jobid>